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Switch Witch Swap

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

Its time for the 12th Annual Halloweensie Writing Contest, sponsored by Children's Author Susanna Leonard Hill. I'd like to say a great big THANK YOU, to Susanna for this fun opportunity and to the many generous authors who are helping to judge the event and/or have donated prizes. The rules stipulate the story must be for an audience under 12 years of age, have100 words or less and include the words slither, treat and scare (in any form... for example, scary is good, or scared, or scare, etc.) So..... here is my entry based on the idea of the "Switch Witch", currently being used by many parents to reduce the amount of sugar their children will consume after Halloween.


By Julie Fruitticher Schroeder

On Halloween, Slither and Flash dressed as scary monsters, and dashed through town trick-or-treating, gathering gobs and gobs of goodies.

“Hey Flash,” said Slither, “tonight the Switch Witch comes, collecting bags of candy

that kids leave her, and she switches them for super-duper toys.

She’ll have bunches of candy, and if we catch her, we can have it ALL!”

Flash grinned.

That night they laid their sticky trap and hid in the closet with a crab net.

The following morning when their mom went to wake them,

all she found was a pile of candy wrappers

and two fat toads.

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