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My Valentiny Story!


Updated: Mar 16, 2023

The 8th Annual Valentiny Writing Contest results were announced yesterday.

I didn't make it into the winner's circle, but it was fun entering. The story was supposed to be less than 214 words, be for children under the age of 12, include the theme of Valentine's Day, and have someone in the story who is skeptical about something. And now, I will share my Valentine story...


By Julie Fruitticher Schroeder

On Saturday, Mom and Gramps were taking me to buy valentines for my class party, when Gramps took a tumble and bonked his head.

I tried to help him up, but he was wobbly.

“I’m fine, Max,” he said, “just clumsy.”

But, he didn’t look so fine to Mom and me.

At the hospital, the doctor said Gramps needed to stay for a few days for some tests.

On Sunday, Mom and I went to visit him.

“I’m feeling much better.” He said and winked at me. “I bet I’ll get to come home tomorrow.”

“I’m not so sure about that, Pop,” said Mom.

I wasn’t so sure either.

That night as I was drifting off to sleep, suddenly, my eyes popped open!

I’d completely forgotten I needed 27 valentines for the school party in the morning!

I pulled out my paper, scissors, and glue.

I cut, glued, folded, and finally…

27 Valentine’s!

The next day all the kids said my homemade valentines were the best!

I told them about Gramps, and Miss Tucker said, “Let’s make him some get-well valentines!”

That afternoon I gave the cards to Gramps.

“Thanks, Max!” he said, “27 get-well wishes should heal me up lickety-split!”

And he was right!

Gramps got to come home the very next day!

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